Features artists:

● World renowned photographer and digital artist - Renee Robyn

● Metis dancer, change maker and government elected official- Blake Desjarlais

● Edmonton filmmaker, musician and the founder of The Edmonton Short Film

Festival - Daniel Foreman.

● Wire artist and educator - Laura Ouimet

● Fine artist and fundraiser (who has raised almost one million for charity!) -

Giselle Denis

● Light artist and senior artist for the Flying Canoe Volant - Dylan Toymaker.

Community members will also be interviewed, like the head curator and chief executive

director Catherine Crowston who will speak on the importance of art in our community.

Getting Ready to Film!

Video Still of Prolific Photographer and Digital Artist - Renee Robyn

Dancer and Visionary Blake Desjarlais’ Interview!

Prepare to embark on an artistic odyssey with the much-anticipated release of "Crafting a Career in the Arts: The Art of Why." This TV series is directed, produced, filmed and edited by invisibly disabled female creator Amy Skrocki and is produced with the support of TELUS STORYHIVE Voices. The series will launch on TELUS Optik TV Channel 9 on September 19, 2023 and sets to paint a vivid tapestry of Edmonton's vibrant art scene.

Discovering the 'Why':

"Crafting a Career in the Arts: The Art of Why" delves into the intriguing motivations propelling Edmonton's creative luminaries to craft masterpieces that transcend the canvas, screen or medium of their calling. More than mere strokes of brilliance, this series uncovers the captivating narratives behind the artwork, unraveling the 'why' that

fuels each artist's imagination.

A Mosaic of Impact: The series goes beyond the studio walls, amplifying the voices of community members whose lives have been transformed by the arts. Their testimonies underscore art's profound ability to spark change, bridge divides, and cultivate unity within Edmonton.

Meet the Visionaries:

Featuring six renowned artists, the series will introduce viewers to creative forces that have indelibly shaped Edmonton's artistic landscape. Each artist brings a unique perspective, medium, and vision to the series.

Video Still of Musician Zach Willier.

Musician Zachary Willer.